About Us
Our Vision:
Our vision is to establish a vibrant center dedicated to preserving Vistula traditions, including shipbuilding, navigation, and crafts associated with the Vistula. Our goal is to integrate various age and social groups around these rich Vistula traditions.
Foundation’s Objectives:
– Promoting science, culture, and art related to rivers.
– Preserving maritime, rafting, and shipbuilding heritage and monuments
– Fostering collaboration among residents of the Vistula river basin
– Preserving regional Vistula traditions and craftsmanship
– Advocating for the protection of the environment and flood safety in the Vistula river basin
– Integration of various age and social groups
Our Team:
Andrzej Lanczewski
The President of the Szlakiem Wisły Foundation is responsible for the substantive quality of our activities. With a professional background as a mariner (Graduate of the Inland Navigation Department at the Gdynia Maritime Academy) holding the rank of captain on inland waters and an officer at sea, he is the organizer and creator of events such as the traditional boat rally “Weź tu przystań w babie lato” and sightseeing cruises from Warsaw to Modlin.
He owns a wooden galley named Basonia and a Vistula boat named Śpiewiatru. He is a co-organizer of events like “W Hour” on the Vistula in Warsaw and a participant in the Vistula Festival in Toruń, where he actively participates in the event from 2020 onwards. He co-organized the “Meeting of Three Cultures” event, which featured a folk music concert on his boat. He was the brain behind the lecture “The Vistula, Tradition, Tourism” with experts from all over Poland and the “Santa Claus Cruise on the Vistula.”
He led the Corpus Christi procession, the first Vistula river procession, which took place in 2022. He came up with the idea and funded a series of postage stamps featuring traditional wooden boats, issued by the Polish Post in 2022. He co-organized the “Flisacy are Returning to the Vistula” event, which took place in 2022 at the Vistula pier in Nowy Secymin in the Leoncin municipality. He conducted educational activities about the Vistula River during the event.
He is always willing to collaborate with non-governmental organizations in the Mazovia region that also have wooden vessels, offering professional assistance and support.

Urszula Do
A member of the Board of the Szlakiem Wisły Foundation responsible for financial and accounting quality in task execution. She is also involved in interior styling and design. As a yoga instructor and a motorboat helmsman, she adds diverse skills to the team. She plays a vital role as the organizer of traditional boat rallies such as “Weź tu przystań w babie lato” and sightseeing cruises from Warsaw to Modlin.
She is the brain behind the educational booths and activities related to rafting traditions during all the events organized by or in collaboration with the Foundation. Her contributions include making each event more engaging and informative.

Marzena Dobraczyńska
The Vice President of the Enjoy Leoncin Association, she is a specialist in marketing and advertising, a fundraiser, graphic designer, and journalist. She has completed training in fundraising, local community communication, accounting, and the participation of rural organizations in legislative processes.
She has successfully secured numerous public grants, which she has coordinated, managed accounting for, and promoted. She was the brains behind and coordinator for the construction of the Vistula boat “Nadwiślanin,” for which she obtained funding from the Mazovian Voivodeship’s Self-Government. During the project, shipbuilding workshops were conducted in the Leoncin municipality.
In 2022, she secured funding for intergenerational culinary workshops called “How Does Independence Taste” and projects aimed at integrating seniors and individuals with disabilities through the Mazovian Activation program.
After relocating from Warsaw and working in the media industry for many years, she found her place in Secymin Polski, a part of the Leoncin municipality. She developed as a community member and local patriot, getting involved in the activities of the Enjoy Leoncin Association and expanding her knowledge about the area where she resides. She is well-acquainted with the strengths and challenges of the Leoncin municipality, especially for its senior residents.
Since 2022, she has been the coordinator of the Senior + Club in Wilków Polski, organizing intergenerational meetings that bring together young people and seniors. She writes for the local Tygodnik Nowodworski newspaper, advocating for issues raised by residents and highlighting the benefits of living in the municipality.
She was recognized in 2021 by the Marshal of the Mazovian Voivodeship for individual volunteering and was a candidate in the “Mazovian Colors of Volunteering” competition in 2023 in the category of volunteering for seniors.

Bartłomiej Bart Orlicki
He studied art history and applied social sciences at the University of Warsaw and film and television production at the Central Institute of Technology in Australia.
He has been professionally involved in the media for many years and has collaborated with organizations such as TVP1, TVP2, Polskie Radio, Polityka magazine, and Gazeta Wyborcza. His passion lies in popularizing science, and he has led various projects on new technologies, culture, and education for institutions including the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, the Polish-German Cooperation Foundation, the Wycinanka Museum in Konstancin-Jeziorna, Ericsson, and many others.
He has organized academic conferences, taught video production at Collegium Civitas, and is one of the pioneers of Augmented Reality technology in Poland.
In addition to his professional endeavors, he is an avid sailor and a great enthusiast of the Vistula River and traditional boats.